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Applicant Tracking and 7 Time-Saving Processes

Applicant Tracking and 7 Time-Saving Processes

We all live and work in a fast-paced world. As time passes, the expectations to accomplish more and more in the same amount of time grows.

Time-management only goes so far, and when you’re in a position that is under a lot of scrutiny you often look externally for assistance.

So, what does that mean for HR professionals?

Well, the first step is usually to outsource any tasks that take you away from the core duties of your position and one of the first tasks to go is employment verifications. These get outsourced to companies that house your employment data and charge a fee for other companies to access it.

But, that’s just one small part of the massive job that is HR. If you’re still conducting background checks in-house, then the next step is to hire a background check company (like SELECTiON.COM®) to do that for you.

Background check companies have the resources to complete a thorough background check more efficiently and effectively, since they have their own researchers and verification specialists to gather the information you need. But, again, that’s only a small part.

What’s the next step if you still find yourself buried in work?

Applicant tracking is the answer.

It provides a significant time-saving difference to the on-boarding process, and it’s liberating! Applicant tracking systems typically allow you to manage applicants from the time they apply, through the interviews, through the background checks, and on in as a hired employee.

If you haven’t tried applicant tracking, why not?

You may think Applicant Tracking isn’t worth the amount of time it will save and in some cases, it may not be. In fact, it probably isn’t for everyone, especially if you’re a small business on a slower growth curve.

However, if you’re a client of SELECTiON.COM®, we can easily add an applicant tracking solution to your hiring process, which we conveniently call Applicant Entry. What’s the catch, you ask?

There’s none. In fact, there is NO COST to this service! We understand the pressures you’re under and through Applicant Entry it is our goal to make your job easier AND less costly.

What does Applicant Entry do for you?

Easy Entry– You no longer have to enter a person’s personal information into the system. The only required fields are name and email address, and you just choose the report package you’d like to run.

Applicant Responsibility– It’s then up to the applicant to fill out their Social Security Number, Date of Birth, and any past employment or education information, depending on which reports you’ve chosen to run. They’ll receive a secure one-time-use link in an email for them to enter the information into our system.

Control– Since such a large part of today’s search mechanism is based upon full name as entered, the applicant cannot modify the spelling from the version that you entered.

Compliance– Applicant Entry provides electronic FCRA compliance with Disclosure and Consent forms part of the process, taking the manual form out of the application process and given you a record of consent that will reside permanently within the candidate’s electronic file.

Additional Option– At this point you can also choose to have the background check start as soon as the applicant enters their info OR have it placed on hold. This is particularly useful if you’re dealing with a large applicant pool and only want to run checks on the final candidates.

Additional Payment Module– You can also choose to have your applicant pay for their background check upfront. This is popular among clients that hire contractors or use volunteers.

Notifications– You’ll be notified once the background check is complete so you can make that final hiring decision.

If you’re a current client and haven’t tried Applicant Entry, call, email or reach out via our LIVE Chat platform today to have it added. You won’t regret it.

In addition to our in-house Applicant Entry piece, SELECTiON.COM® is integrated with some of the top Applicant Tracking systems in the market. And, with our in-house IT staff, we are well equipped to integrate with whatever Applicant Tracking system you’d like to use.

If you’re not a client, why not call today and see how SELECTiON.COM® can make a difference in your on-boarding process? Contact us today on our web form or our toll free number, 1-800-325-3609.

How to Avoid Costly Hires During the Holiday Season

How to Avoid Costly Hires During the Holiday Season

ackground checks in the retail industryWith fall here and winter just around the corner, business often slows down this time of year. With it, hiring typically slows down as well. But what a lot of companies fail to realize, is that this is the perfect time to start looking for your holiday hires.

Stay ahead of the curve and take the time now to have your ideal employees fully background checked, hired, trained and ready to go as business ramps around the holiday season. Waiting until the last minute can lead to filling positions with less than stellar employees and can lead to lost customers and employee theft, in worst case scenarios.

Running a quality background check should always be a part of the hiring process, but it’s more important during the holiday season.

According to the Jack L. Hayes International 29th Annual Retail Theft Survey, more than 438,032 shoplifters and dishonest employees were apprehended in 2016 by 23 major retailers.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and with it, Black Friday. With those kind of statistics, in order to maximize your holiday profits, you need to make sure your employees are both honest and can handle the influx of customers with a smile.

This all starts with performing your own due diligence. The more you know, the more you can minimize those surprise nightmare employees.

The background check should begin with county criminal history reports, as they contain the most up-to-date and accurate information.

I know, I know. You are running a national criminal database so your applicants are run through every single county and source in the United States, right? Wrong. This is one of the most common misconceptions when running a background check.

A national criminal database search doesn’t really contain all counties in the United States and should be used as a supplemental tool after county criminal history has been searched.

Combine the county criminal search with a social security trace report to identify areas where your applicant has lived, and you have a great start to getting the full picture of your applicant’s history.

How else can you avoid the horrible holiday hires?

Use reports that tell you more personal things about the applicant. Character references or employment verifications are a great addition. You can personalize these questions to get answers you would like in the hiring process.

Use questions like: Was he on time? How would you describe her work habits? Is he eligible for rehire?

A well-made resume and good interview can often make one overlook the in-depth details that are so crucial to double check when trying to find a hire that will be a great seasonal or long term employee. These details can make the difference between an outstanding employee and a nightmare.

Contact us today to find out how SELECTiON.COM® can help.

Why are Client Testimonials so important?

Why are Client Testimonials so important?

Just like the world around us, consumer needs are constantly changing. And because of that, companies need to keep up by understanding their client’s needs.

As consumers, we like to research and read reviews before making a purchase. In large part, that’s because clients like the easy access to social media to help them spread the word about their own service experiences and those of family, friends and in some cases relative strangers.

Of course, B2B customers can do the same thing through client testimonials. Talking to your clients and receiving feedback is a great way to help improve your business.

Here at SELECTiON.COM® we take pride in our Satisfaction Statement:

“What Separates true customer satisfaction from mere lip service is the willingness to put the SELECTiON.COM® customer FIRST in everything we do!”

SELECTiON.COM® Puts Our Customer FIRST in Everything We Do and we offer the following resources for our clients to help us by continuously rating our products and service:

  1. Client Customer Service Satisfaction Survey
  2. Live Chat ratings
  3. Client Research Survey
  4. Social Media following and client features

SELECTiON.COM® reviews and discusses these ratings and testimonials every Friday. We gather to discuss both our successes and our failures in our company wide meeting.

See what some of our amazing clients are saying about SELECTiON.COM® at or follow us on social media for updates and client testimonials.

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“I get called often by other background check companies to switch. They always promise me a savings. Background checks with a company I consider a partner is invaluable. Background checks are NOT a commodity! Knowing what the limitations are changes it from a commodity to a service. I use SELECTiON.COM® because of their great service. Also, I must acknowledge LeAnn Bick is excellent to work with and is very responsive.”

Renee Fulton, President, Talis Group Inc.

“I’ve been using SELECTiON.COM® for nearly 10 years and it remains one of the best available. It’s easy to use and fast. I recommend SELECTiON.COM® without hesitation.”

Joe Kindt, Vice President of Human Resources, PECO Real Estate Partners

We love receiving feedback from our clients and we use the information to improve our services. You can fill out our client surveys on our website.

If you are a current or former client please fill out our Customer Satisfaction Survey at We appreciate your responses!

Audit vs. Review

Audit vs. Review

The Case for a Hiring Audit-

If your work requires you to manage multiple tasks to achieve a desired outcome, then a periodic audit should be part of your annual plan.

But, why an audit instead of a review?

A review of current processes typically looks at how, when, why and how much money is spent?  Whereas an audit is a deep analysis of the steps in the process to see how they impact the final outcome.  Consider an audit as a step by step look at the how, when & why of your daily activity.

Let’s take a look at Hiring…

Here is the typical review:  

How – Post a job ad. Collect applications/resumes. Determine qualified applicants. Conduct interviews or skills assessments. Select the best candidates.

When – At the time that a need for Human Resources is presented.

Why – To fill a need for Human Resources.

How Much $ – Cost of advertising. Cost of time spent reviewing applications, conducting interviews or skill assessments. Cost of orientation/on-boarding.

Here is how an audit goes deeper:

Posting the job ad:

Is the job ad providing the necessary information for job seekers to understand the requirements and culture of the position?  Is it clear and concise?

What advertising resources have been most successful in producing the best candidates?  Are there unexplored options that may be more effective?

Collecting applications/resumes:

How are job seekers able to submit their interest in your positions?  Should there be multiple options?  Do these methods enable you to work with the best candidates? Do these methods streamline the process of reviewing candidates?  Are there unexplored options that may be more effective?

Determine qualified applicants:

What factors are most important for this position?  Are you able to identify and quickly communicate with desirable applicants?

Interview/assessment of qualified candidates:

Is the interview/assessment conducted soon enough to reach the best candidates?

Are questions or tests measuring the key factors for success in this position?

When evaluating potential employees are you screening based upon the risk associated with this position?  i.e. employee theft, sensitive information, company reputation, danger of physical harm, etc.

Are interviews/assessments conducted in compliance with Federal & State laws concerning equal employment opportunity, discrimination, prior informed consent & notification, etc.?

Do the results of interviews/assessments allow you to move quickly to the next step in your hiring process?

This example covers the HOW of your hiring process.  The Audit of any process should include multiple sets of eyes and also use metrics to determine effectiveness.  An outside expert may be your best option for gathering data as they are not impacted by the results.

Here at SELECTiON.COM®, we have many different resources to help your company make the best hiring decisions. If you aren’t conducting a yearly audit of your hiring process, we recommend you do!

For help in conducting an audit of your hiring process please contact SELECTiON.COM®.

Employee Spotlight: Diana Nelson

Employee Spotlight: Diana Nelson

Employee Spotlight: Diana K. Nelson, CPA, MS, Chief Financial Officer

What is your favorite part of working at SELECTiON.COM®? 

I enjoy the staff I work with.  I feel blessed every day when I come into work.

How long have you been at SELECTiON.COM®? 

Six Years

Favorite Hobby?  

Taxpayer Advocate – Writing proposals to the IRS to implement change.

Favorite Quote?

“Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.” – Colin Powell

 Favorite Food?


Favorite Sports Team?

Green Bay Packers

Fun Fact? 

I do not watch TV.

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