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Protecting Children Through Teacher Background Screenings

Protecting Children Through Teacher Background Screenings

As the summer is wrapping up, parents are getting their kids ready for the new school year. While parents are buying pencils, notebooks, and backpacks, school administrators are training and preparing their staff members.

New teachers are hired and must go through an employee onboarding process. Before starting a teaching position, teachers must go through a pre-employment background screening to be able to work in a school. Learning institutions are working hard to fill positions and understand the need to ensure that those working with their children lack criminal convictions related to children or abuse.

Teacher Screening Requirements

When it comes to teacher background screenings, schools are first obligated to comply with regulatory laws, which vary from state to state. Since some state’s laws may be lacking in certain areas, additional background checks should be implemented beyond the official state requirements. This may be one of the most critical decisions that schools can make to protect their students and staff members.

Typically, the background screening program used by schools includes a mix of state and federal criminal checks, child abuse checks, employment, and education histories. For instance, in Ohio, all candidates seeking an Ohio educator license, certificate, or permit must complete a fingerprint check through both the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation and FBI criminal background databases. Ohio also requires credentialed educators to complete an FBI background check every five years.

Unfortunately, not all states are as thorough. Some only require public schools to run background checks on their new teachers and do not have procedures in place to check a teacher’s criminal file after the initial background screening. As a result, teachers may enter their career without any record, then may commit unnoticed crimes while working for the school.

Add to that the issues that are inherent in the fingerprint databases searches and you have a recipe for disaster. Criminal records and sex offender registries are not reported across state lines. State background check reports, including fingerprint-based state reports, can sometimes have missing information. This happens because the crimes are tried at the county level. Counties are not required to report all records to the state, depending on the type of offense. They also have their own schedule on when those records are sent on to the state database, creating infrequent gaps in data. Human error also plays a part with missed uploaded records. With fingerprint background checks specifically, some records, such as misdemeanor drug offenses, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct, can be missed simply because the crime is a ticket offense in that area and doesn’t require being fingerprinted.

Go Beyond The Requirements

At SELECTiON.COM®, we have a multi-tiered approach to background screening that encompasses more areas. We believe that the best approach to teacher screenings is to go above and beyond what is required by law. We recommend that clients supplement their fingerprint or state-based screening program with county criminal checks and a check through our Search America® national criminal database.

We also offer our Quarterly Watch® service, which will run a check through the Search America database at intervals chosen by our clients. For example, the checks can be run quarterly, yearly, or bi-annually. Quarterly Watch® makes continuous criminal monitoring easy for all employers.

In addition to checks that are in place specifically for the student’s safety, it is a good idea to verify a teacher’s education. Teachers should have the proper qualifications and credentials to teach their students. You’d be surprised at how many people lie on that portion of their application. In 2018, fifteen percent of education verifications submitted to SELECTiON.COM® showed that the applicant had lied about their education.

Our recommended background screenings for teachers:

At SELECTiON.COM®, we have worked with some of the nation’s top learning institutions. Contact us today to create a customized screening solution for your school, and we will help you hire the right person and keep your students safe.

Background Check Essentials Every Company Should Know

Background Check Essentials Every Company Should Know

One of the hardest tasks employers face today is finding the right candidate. 

Nearly three out of four small business employers have hired the wrong person for a position according to CareerBuilder research. This is extremely costly for businesses due to training that is involved. That single bad hire has more of an effect on your business than you ever expected. 

Running a background check is an essential part of the on-boarding process, and there are many regulations to follow. Besides the stress of selecting just the right candidate for the job, one small mistake could lead to unwanted lawsuits. Before starting the background screening process, make sure that you take the time to understand which checks you need and how you should go about running them. 

To be compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you must have the applicant sign a disclosure and release form before running a background check on the individual. If you choose not to hire the applicant, based on any reason in whole or part of the background check, then you must send the applicant a copy of their background check, consumer rights, and pre-decision letter. Wait five business days to mail an adverse action letter to allow the applicant time to dispute the claim. 

SELECTiON.COM® stays up to date on FCRA regulations and provides the tools you need to make your screening process run smoothly.  

We offer pre-populated pre-decision and adverse action letters for our clients on the Fastrax™  dashboard free of charge. Clients can also choose to have our staff send the mailings in-house for them. 

The Importance of Employment and Education Verifications 

Knowing the background of the applicant can allow employers to hire a candidate with the right criteria and experience. Running employment and education verification reports can help to prevent a bad hire.  

Employment verifications will give the dates of employment and position held by an applicant. It’s important to note that previous employers are not required by law to answer additional questions such as attendance or rehire eligibility. However, many employers are happy to expand upon them when an employee left on good terms. This kind of information is invaluable when assessing a candidate.  

Character references are another essential addition to your background screening program. When searching for the perfect candidate, you want to identify reliable employees whose personality will allow them to get along with others. At SELECTiON.COM®, the character reference questions can be customized to the position. Checking a candidate’s references is a great way to reveal more in-depth information than a typical employment verification. Unlike employment verifications, HR policy usually doesn’t have restrictions on character references. Past supervisors can feel free to expand on an applicant’s work ethic and personality.  

The Inherent Flaws of Criminal Research  

Employers shouldn’t rely on the applicant’s answers of where they have previously lived to base their criminal research. This information isn’t always accurate. If your applicant committed a crime in a former county of residence and did not provide that information on their application, then you’ve missed out on critical information. 

Criminals try to hide their history. They do so by working the inherent flaws in the criminal record reporting system. Social Security numbers have been removed from criminal records by most counties in the United States to protect against identity theft. Criminal records are matched by name and date of birth, so applicants may try to give a false name or date of birth to avoid detection.  

Offenders will also move to another state because they know that criminal records and sex offender registry data are often not reported across state lines. In addition, records can be missed with fingerprint background checks because the crime is a ticket offense and doesn’t require a fingerprint. 

Relying on an applicant’s honestly can be very costly. SELECTiON.COM® has practical and cost-efficient solutions to widen your search. Our SSN Trace report will identify where an applicant has lived and populate the counties to search for criminal records. Combine this targeted criminal county search with our Search America® national criminal database, and you will receive a much more accurate and detailed view of your applicant’s criminal history. SELECTiON.COM® can provide you with the tools to feel confident that you are doing everything possible to keep your workplace safe. 

A Background Check Partner 

From understanding what a criminal charge means, to checking the status of employment verifications, customer service is arguably one of the most critical parts of choosing a background screening partner. 

SELECTiON.COM® provides outstanding customer service. We put the customer first in everything we do. The next time you reach out to us, the chances are very likely that you will recognize the person on the other end of the conversation. That’s because our customer service team is not only industry experienced, but also tenured in their time with our company. Customer support is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (EST) Monday through Friday, via phone or online chat. 

Our in-house IT department can facilitate every need you may have. We have completed integrations with businesses across the country, including some of the top applicant tracking systems, such as Virtus, Catholic Mutual Group, and iCIMS. With these integrations, our clients save time, money, and streamline the background check process. We also offer access to our own in-house developed applicant tracking system at no additional cost. 

Make sure you’re hiring the right person the first time around through screening your job candidates. Knowing what background checks you should be running and how to go about doing them will help you to streamline the process. You can save time, money, and improve workflow with SELECTiON.COM®. 

Contact us today to see how SELECTiON.COM® can take your background screening process to the next level. 

Employee Spotlight: Adriana Bernal

Adriana Bernal has been a valued member of SELECTiON.COM® since April 2019. Here’s a little more about her:

Favorite part of working at SELECTiON.COM®

Meeting amazing people and learning something new about the background screening industry every day.

Favorite food

Potatoes in any form

Favorite quote

“Never give up from being happy because life is an incredible show.” -Pope Francis

Superpower I wish I had

Ability to fly

Bucket list item

Visit Santiago de Compostela with my husband Santiago

Back to Basics: E-Verify

Back to Basics: E-Verify

What is E-Verify? 

E-Verify is a system that compares data from your Form I-9 and Employment Eligibility Verification to U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration records to validate that employees are approved for work in the United States. 

E-Verify is mandatory for federal contractors with contracts containing the Federal Acquisition Regulation E-Verify clause, and some states require the use of E-Verify for employers. Many employers participate voluntarily in E-Verify as a supplement to Form I-9. 

Today, E-Verify has over 75,000 registered employers of all sizes with about 1,400 new participating companies every week.  

Which states require E-Verify? 

Twenty states mandate the use of E-Verify for at least some public and/or private employers:  

  • Alabama 
  • Arizona 
  • Colorado 
  • Florida 
  • Georgia
  • Idaho 
  • Indiana 
  • Louisiana 
  • Michigan 
  • Mississippi 

  • Missouri 
  • Nebraska 
  • North Carolina 
  • Oklahoma 
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina 
  • Tennessee 
  • Utah 
  • Virginia  
  • West Virginia

When should E-Verify be used?

E-Verify is only used after an offer of employment has been accepted by the individual applicant.  

E-Verify should not be used to pre-screen individuals for employment. E-Verify is not a criminal background check. It is a Human Resources onboarding function used to verify legal eligibility to work. 

Once the account has been set up, the E-Verify program must be used on ALL new employees, (Federal Contractors have different regulations). 

It cannot be used later than the third business day after the individual has started to work. The employer has three days after the date of hire to verify legal eligibility to work.  

For employers to stop using the E-Verify program, they must provide 30 days written notice to the government, per the signed Memorandum of Understanding.  

 SELECTiON.COM®’s software integration with the federal government’s Employment Verification Program (E-Verify) allows employers to quickly and accurately verify new employees’ legal right to work. 

With SELECTiON.COM®, you can manage your work authorization program through Fastrax Select® from start to finish. Our secure services help you to ensure that your workforce is legally authorized to work. Our program improves the efficiency of your Form I-9 employment verification process and the accuracy of your payroll and tax reporting. It also substantially decreases human error in completing Form I-9s.  

In turn, it also cost-effectively reduces your exposure to government audits, financial penalties, and negative publicity resulting from non-compliance. 

Contact ustoday to see how SELECTiON.COM® can take your employee onboarding process to the next level. 

SELECTiON.COM® Named in Top 10 Pre-Employment Screening Companies List – 2019

SELECTiON.COM® Named in Top 10 Pre-Employment Screening Companies List – 2019

HR Tech Outlook recently announced its “Top 10 Pre-Employment Screening Consulting/Services Companies – 2019.” We are excited to announce that SELECTiON.COM® is a part of the list.  

HR Tech Outlook magazine provides a knowledge network for a complete guide on innovative technologies for top talent acquisition, HR management, and payroll. 

SELECTiON.COM® is described as “offering pre-employment screening software and the largest network of in-house researchers with the fastest turnaround on background checks and drug screening.

The list was created to help business leaders make smart decisions about background screening companies, as there are thousands of options to choose from in today’s market.  

A distinguished panel comprised of CEOs, CIOs, CHROs, and analysts, along with the HR Tech Outlook’s editorial board decided which companies made the list. They assessed several background screening companies and shortlisted the ones that were distinctively prominent in the field. The top ten companies showcase broad business knowledge and exhibit expertise in delivering innovative services that meet the needs of their customers. 

SELECTiON.COM® is honored to be a part of the top ten pre-employment screening companies. It’s always been our priority to offer unsurpassed customer service to business professionals. We’re excited to be recognized by this esteemed HR publication. 

Contact us today to see how SELECTiON.COM® can take your employment background screening process to the next level.    

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