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Insights on Hiring: Background Checks, Best Practices, and Compliance News

New Email Encryption for Fastrax Select

FastraxSelect users have long enjoyed ease of use, flexibility and security with their background checks.  Now, the level of security will be even higher. FastraxSelect emails with personally identifiable information, or "p.i.i." will now be encrypted.  Most states...

Criminal Background Checks help reduce employee theft

Criminal Background Checks help reduce employee theft

The Importance of Background Checks Criminal Background Checks and Pre-Employment Drug Screenings are two essential components of any hiring process.  This blog entry shows why these background checks are so important and how adds value to our clients...

Criminal Background Checks Reduce the Cost of Turnover

The Employment Policy Foundation estimates the hidden costs of turnover. [slideshare id=18067718&doc=backgroundchecksreducecostofturnover-130402151508-phpapp02] Every employer experiences turnover. But some turnovers can be prevented by weeding out risky hires....

Ohio Senate Bill 337 Affects Fingerprint Turnaround Time in Ohio

Ohio Senate Bill 337 Affects Fingerprint Turnaround Time in Ohio

On September 28, 2012, Ohio Senate Bill 337 went into effect. The new law is also known as the “Collateral Sanctions” bill and removes some restrictions connected to job searching for ex-offenders. This new law has affected the FBI and Ohio BCI fingerprint process and...

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