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Report & Protect®

Report & Protect® is our new best practice tool developed to supplement the USCCB Bishop hotline and provide an outlet for all claims of abuse.

We believe that all Dioceses, large and small, deserve a quality, easy to use, third party application for the intake of reports of abuse.

Available 24 Hours a Day

Phone System – Our phone reporting system allows victims and witnesses of abuse to easily and privately report allegations. The automated voice system is available to callers 24 hours a day.

Mobile Friendly Website – The Report & Protect® website is mobile friendly and serves as both an around the clock incoming report system and as a dashboard for Administrators. An easy to complete contact form is available for victims and witnesses of alleged abuse.

A unique confirmation number is generated for each incident report and is provided to the witness/victim so that they can check the status of their claim throughout the process.

Report & Protect® handles all reports with equal care. The data is immediately sent on to the appropriate contact within each Archdiocese/Diocese.

Administrators have the option of selecting one or several contacts within the organization to receive notifications.

The system includes areas to document investigations into credible reports.


  • The Report & Protect® administrative interface is available from anywhere at any time.
  • Report monitoring is available along all stages of the process. Users can add notes and edit the status of each report as it progresses.
  • Incident reports are sortable by date or status and are searchable by the alleged perpetrator.


  • For victim and witness protection, our entire network environment is physically and digitally secured behind several layers of protection and monitoring.
  • All digital communication is encrypted using the latest encryption standards.
  • All confidential report and personally identifiable information (PII) is viewable only by specific Diocesan Administrators, through a secure web login.