Search America® Database

Our Search America® is THE standard in national criminal database searches. With over 1.3 BILLION records, from over 1,900 different sources, Search America® is an unparalleled locator tool to combine with prime source searches to ensure you have the most complete picture available.
Search America® uncovers records across the U.S. providing you with states/counties where potential records may exist.
These records can then be confirmed for currency, accuracy and completeness at the source.
Search America® Features
- This database also contains currently registered sex offenders with felony conviction records, compiled from sex offender registries available throughout the U.S. as well as a list of all foreign nationals (individuals and entities) that currently carry sanctions by the U.S. Government.
- The Search America® supplemental record locator provides a powerful, high-speed, multi-jurisdictional search of county, state and federal criminal records databases.
Begin to supplement your current criminal search with Search America® today.
Search America® Resources
Similar Reports

Federal Criminal Check |
Federal Criminal Background Check reports will show if the applicant has had any criminal cases filed against them that violated federal criminal law. This searches a specific federal district court’s records. |

County Criminal Check |
County Criminal Background Checks are an essential part of many comprehensive background check solutions. This reports criminal activity from individual, selected counties — anywhere in the U.S. |

Civil Records Check |
Civil records check reports will reveal the record of civil cases where the applicant was either a plaintiff or defendant, including the nature of the complaint, case status, date of filing, and judgment. |
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