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Jackie Petrocelli has been a valued member of SELECTiON.COM® since 2014. Here’s a little more about her:

Favorite part of working at SELECTiON.COM®

I enjoy the people: the staff and people coming in for fingerprints.

Favorite Hobby:

I enjoy cooking, baking, and sewing. If it is for or with my family, then that’s even better.

Favorite Food:

Chips! I have never met a chip I didn’t like.

Favorite Quote:

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” -William James

Favorite Sports Team:

Bengals and Reds. I’m pretty much a Cincinnati girl.

Superpower I wish I had:

The ability to calm other people, like Mantis.

Bucket List Item:

Visit Ireland and Tuscany