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Consumer Credit Report

A consumer credit report can be an important indicator of a tenant’s ability to prioritize and manage personal finances. Designed for use with tenant background checks, our consumer credit report differs from the pre-employment credit report in that it provides the FICO score, and unlike the pre-employment credit report, this will create a “ding” on their credit.

  • Consumer Credit Reports feature the following information:
    • The Consumer Credit Report header will list the last three known addresses.
    • Employment information, where available.
    • Public record items, if they exist, including:
      • Tax liens (reported for seven years after a lien is filed).
      • Judgments (report for seven years after judgment is entered)
      • Chapter 7 bankruptcies (reported for 10 years following the bankruptcy).
      • Chapter 13 bankruptcies (reported for seven years following the bankruptcy).
    • Collection items: (if they exist) and their status.
    • A listing of accounts, in order from “worst to best” of creditors, allowing you to easily interpret the information.
  • Results are available in real time.
Consumer Credit Report Features
  • Up to seven years of public records are listed.
  • You also will see a list of other companies making inquiries into the applicant’s credit file.
  • Credit Reports require a name, address, Social Security Number, and a signed release form from the tenant.
  • FICO score is included.
Credit Report Resources

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