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Civic Pride with Background Checks

SELECTiON.COM® is more than just a background check company.  We realize that serving the community also means supporting the community.  We are committed to helping key organizations fulfill their mission of improving the quality of life for all of us.

To help schools take advantage of the latest advances in technology, SELECTiON.COM® regularly donates computers to schools through the Computers for Schools program.

SELECTiON.COM® also either supports the following companies and non-profit organizations financially or provides background check services at cost or at no charge:

American Brain Tumor Association

American Brain Tumor Association

American Heart Association

American Heart Association

Breast Cancer Alliance

Breast Cancer Alliance

Catholic Social Services

Catholic Social Services

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

National Right to Life

National Right to Life

Pregnancy Center West, Inc.

Pregnancy Center West, Inc.

Special Operations Warrior Foundation

Special Operations Warrior Foundation

Veterans of Foreign Wars

Veterans of Foreign Wars

Horses for Heroes

Horses for Heroes

Halo For Freedom

Halo For Freedom

SELECTiON.COM® also supports events such as the Warrior Weekend to Remember in addition to the Ohio Challenge Hot Air Balloon Festival.